
你的位置:北京赛车的玩家规则 > 产品展示 > 库里赛后:队内氛围比上赛季输凯子52分要好…
发布日期:2024-12-21 08:55    点击次数:93
今日勇士客场惨败灰熊,赛后库里接受了记者的采访,库里相信勇士队会走出这段低谷期。他表示,目前球队的氛围比上赛季三月在波士顿输掉52分时要好得多。他还强调,勇士队的实力远胜于最近的表现。 Steph Curry believes Warriors will get out of this slump. He says the vibes are better than they were last season when they lost by 52 at Boston in March. He says Warriors are better than how they’ve been playing of late.

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